Bagels (Russian Baranki, Russian Sushki) of OZBI Family. Proper dough, traditions and soul!
Our products can be safely referred to the products of "healthy eating" and can be eaten even by people who lead a healthy way of life due to the organic ingredients. Bagels (Russian Baranki and Russian Sushki) have an organic flavor, familiar to everyone since childhood.
Bread sticks of OZBI Family. Taste is above all!
This flawless addition to any dishes and incredibly delicious separate starter. Due to the classical production, our breadsticks always turn out fluffy and crispy and have a balanced taste.
Biscuits Galerigalet. Biscuits for delicious impressions!
They are meant for those watching their figure and consuming low-fat food and sugar. The product contains useful ingredients: raisins, sunflower seeds, apples and cinnamon, chocolate.
Pretzels Bitcom – super spectacular novelty from the company OZBI!
They are not only shocking in appearance,but also much more useful than many other snacks. Bitcom pretzels are baked in an oven without roasting in oil, and sea salt contains minerals that are healthy.
"Ozbi family" has released unique bakery products in the healthy lifestyle trend for all who take care of their health. These are natural products with a pure composition, without additives, dyes and flavors, enriched with useful ingredients!
All products. The range includes more than 130 names of products!
We strive to meet the needs of any consumer, so in addition to bagels (Russian Baranki, Russian Sushki), bread sticks, there is bread straw, dried bread, marmalade, marshmallows, waffles, crackers and different kinds of cookies in our product range.

We always strive to be in demand and produce products of high-quality organic ingredients to be able to achieve high results. Our products are appreciated for excellent taste, high quality and affordable prices!
Our mission is to willingly make traditional products in accordance with the highest quality standards.
The plant was founded in 1966 as an experimental enterprise specializing in producing bagels (Russian Sushki and Russian Baranki) product range, whose advanced developments were introduced at the bakeries throughout the country.Partners
«Ostankinskiy zavod baranochnih izdeliy», CJSC
11 Ogorodnyi proezd,
+7 495 663-91-87
Moscow city
+7 495 663-91-87
the Russian Federation, 127254